Spotlight and Oscar Spotlight is an American crime drama film directed and written by Tom McCarthy. The screenplay of Spotlight is written by Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer. The film Spotlight is produced by Steve Golin, Blye Pagon Faust, Nicole Rocklin and Michael Sugar. The characters of Spotlight is acted by Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schrieber, John Slattery and Stanley Tucci. The film Spotlight is exactly based on investigative journalism by Boston Globes Spotlight team in order to uncover a true crime against child. Spotlight awarded as best original screenplay and picture in 88th Academic Oscar award arranged by Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science in 28, February 2016. At first spotlight released in Vanice in 3rd September 2015 and 6th November 2015 in United States. Before awarding Oscar, Spotlight also listed in top ten film by American Film Institute. After receiving Oscar award, Michael Sugar said, Institutional silence over ...