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Showing posts from December, 2018


Vaccine is a biological preparation to give acquired immunity against a specific micro-organism to prevent specific bacterial or viral infectious disease. It is basically, weakened or killed formed of specific micro-organism that boost immunity to prevent infection of such types of micro-organism in future. Vaccine can be prophylactic or therapeutic Prophylactic vaccine is to prevent microbes in future infection and therapeutic vaccine is to kill microbes after infection until it reach in severe condition. The administration of vaccine is called vaccination. Influenza vaccine, HPV vaccine and Hepatitis vaccine is the most effective vaccine as known. Sometimes, the normal immune system may not active properly due to some factors like diabetes, HIV infection, existing no strain of B cell in immune system that produces  antibodies that usually binds with antigen that is associated with pathogen.

Tom Boy Fashion

Tom Boy Fashion Tomboy fashion is a fashion style for women that is mainly following the fashion of men. The women when wear any dress that is usually wore by men is called Tomboy Fashion. The users of Tomboy Fashion is increasing in high rate. Besides of western country, in Asia and Africa Tomboy fashion is increasing. Trending of Tomboy fashion is changing. Once, Tomboy fashion for women is completely based on the cloths that was exactly for men use. But now Tomboy fashion cloths are changing in such a pattern that is only appropriate for women.

Black Hole

Black Hole is a region in universe from where nothing can escape even light. Everything is engulfed by black hole. The boundary of black hole where the influence of black hole is existed is called Event Horizon. Event Horizon is not quite black, rather it radiates energy.

Most Venomous animals in planet

Most venomous animals in planet

Delay Gratification

Delay Gratification is a psychological aspects of getting success in life. The term delay gratification means getting pleasure on something in late. Scientist have found from a long study on human behavior that these gratifies in late about any reward are shown to becoming more successful people in life.

Flying Fish

The Exocoetidae is a family of marine fish in the order of Beloniforme class Actinopterygii is known as Flying fish. Exocoetidae is a latin scientific and general name of flying fish. Though, these are known as flying fish, they can not fly as like as other birds. For the survival need they gained a power to fly over the long distence of water surface to avoid the victim of ocean killers.

General theory of relativity

General theory of relativity is the developed form of Special theory of relativity by Albert Einstein. After 10 years of Developing special theory of relativity, Albert Einstein develops General theory of relativity. Importance of General theory of relativity from special theory of relativity is introduction of gravity concept into special theory of relativity. Discovery of General theory of relativity overcomes the limitation of Special theory of relativity.

Donald Trump reacts with a comment of Hollywood Star

Donald Trump react a comment with Hollywood stars

Shakira: La La

Shakira La La